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The Ring Shot

The Ring Shot

One of my absolute favorite shots to capture at a wedding is the detail shot of the rings. Many of our photographer friends we work with think I’m crazy (they hate posing rings), but it’s one of my favorites. It amazes me every time we shoot a wedding how different...
Why meeting couples for the first time is awesome

Why meeting couples for the first time is awesome

One of my favorite events we do every year is the Bridal Bazaar in San Diego. Out of the four shows they put on, we host a booth at the two smaller shows at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. It allows us the opportunity for one of my favorite moments as a wedding...

5 Essentials of a Wedding Videographer

Over the years we’ve learned, often the hard way, that there are 5 essential things a wedding videographer should have with them on the day of a wedding. Sunscreen – Even if the wedding is indoors, we usually go outside at some point for pictures. Sunscreen is very...